Sunday, March 21, 2010

logo, phase...4?

while working on my logo in its last rendition, i attempted to incorporate elements of the text into the symbol of the lark. but something about that wing was bothering me! it just looked forced and it irritated me. so i worked on the logo a bit more (even though i wasn't really supposed to...) and came up with this:

now that i'm looking at it again, i think i might resize the speech bubble and logo to be equal in size to the bird, but overall, i like the effect of the point on the bubble that echos the birds beak and tail, and the negative space created between the two parts.

and now it's back to working on my communication system.

1 comment:

  1. Much improved relationship between all these elements. I agree that the scale still doesn't feel quite right, but I like the changes so far! Glad you kept at it–looking forward to seeing it applied within your communications system!
