Thursday, April 29, 2010

s'more branding

have you guys seen the gamestop bunny commercials? so adorable! but i also think gamestop has come up with a good system with that cute little bunny. they've put out several commercials with him in it, as well as used him in their advertising in banners outside stores, cutouts inside stores, on their website, etc.

their logo and wordmark are always the same, but buck the bunny (that's really his name!) appears and does all the work in the advertising. as someone who plays video games (way too much, actually), i think they hit their target audience really well. the commercials show buck playing through classic, side-scrolling style video games and doing very video game-y things, like collecting coins and jumping on enemies. it's exciting! it's adorable! it makes me really, really want a buck the bunny of my very own!

(in case you haven't seen the commercials, here's one)

(and another!)

and here is some imagery of our friend buck, as a cutout inside a gamestop store:

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